What’s available at the club for members
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Bowler Q&A
Club facilities
When is the club open and when can I practise?
The club is open whenever there’s a jitney, tournament or other event.
The drawmaster or another volunteer usually opens the clubhouse doors at least 30 minutes before the start time. If you’re using club bowls, you can practise any time the clubhouse is open, as a long as there’s a rink available. If the rink you’re practising on is needed for a game, you may be asked to move.
Club members can also bowl at other times, even if no one else is bowling. You’ll need to book a rink online. Speak to one of the board members who will explain how to access the club.
How old is the clubhouse?
Cosburn Park Lawn Bowling Club started in 1929. For the first several years, there was no clubhouse, just a shed. In 1937, the members scrounged materials and built a clubhouse. In 1952, the club members held fundraising bazaars and card games to pay for the verandah. In 1971, the Borough of East York renovated the building to create the clubhouse we have today.
What’s in the club basement?
That’s where the washrooms and locker rooms are, along with the club office and storage rooms. Plus the usual basement equipment—furnace, water heater, and breaker panel.
How do I get a locker?
Many bowlers who own bowls leave them in a locker downstairs; it’s easier than taking them home after every jitney. If you need a locker, check the list posted on the wall for an empty locker. Add your name to an empty slot on the list, lock your gear in your locker, and go. The hasps on the lockers are small, so bring a lock with a thin shackle.
You can’t use your locker to store club bowls.
Is the club accessible for people who use mobility devices or who have mobility challenges?
The clubhouse is not as accessible as we’d like. In particular, there are stairs—going down to the washrooms and up to the verandah and main level of the clubhouse.
Does the club have WiFi?
Yes. The guest network information is posted in the clubhouse.
Who can use the club bowls?
Members may use club bowls for free. We encourage new members to use club bowls for a few seasons before buying bowls. Try different sizes and weights of club bowls to get a feel for what works best for you.
When you arrive for a jitney, we suggest you get your bowls first. Bowls are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. If someone else has taken your favourite bowls, you’ll have to try another set.
After your game, put your bowls back in their sling (there’s a label on each sling identifying which bowls should be inside) and return them to the shelves in the clubhouse. If the bowls get wet or dirty, please wipe them off with a cloth or paper towel before putting them back.
Club bowls must never be kept in your locker; they’re for everyone to use.
If you need to borrow bowls for a tournament, here’s how: Speak to one of the board members who will ask you to complete a lending form. You may borrow the bowls a couple of days before the tournament and return them a couple of days after, but please keep them only as long as necessary.
Can members borrow club bowls over the winter for indoor bowling?
Yes. Speak to one of the board members who will ask you to complete a lending form.
Who’s responsible for getting the equipment out before the game and putting it away after?
We all are!
Each rink needs one jack, and two each of the mats, rakes and ground sheets. Please help grab these for your rink if no one else has yet, and don’t forget to put them back after the game.
How does the club keep the greens so flat?
It’s a lot of work for our premises chair, mowing staff, and the volunteers who help. It requires regular mowing and watering. Any damage needs to be repaired as quickly as possible. As well, the greens are fertilized, weeded, and rolled as needed.
Here’s how you can help:
• Always wear flat-soled shoes.
• Use the large green sheets.
• Place the bowls gently on the green at the start of the game; don’t drop them from a height or toss them from the sidelines.
• Try to roll the bowl smoothly when you deliver it. Avoid “dumping” or tossing the bowl.
• If you see a weed growing in the ditch, pull it.